According to the survey, 67% of respondents search for requests via Telegram daily, highlighting the importance of this platform. However, on average, only 0-2 requests per week lead to actual transportation, indicating a low conversion rate. The main reason cited by respondents is the poor quality of requests, which often contain unreliable or incomplete information.
The majority of respondents (71%) find using Telegram channels 'very convenient'. Nonetheless, problems related to the quality and reliability of information diminish this advantage. Additionally, 82% of survey participants noted that the same requests frequently recur across different channels, leading to inefficient use of time and resources.
The popularity and convenience of searching for requests through Telegram require clear solutions to enhance the platform's efficiency. It is crucial to introduce strict standards for quality control of requests and verification of information accuracy. Centralized systems or algorithms could also be developed to reduce the duplication of requests.
Telegram channels open new opportunities in logistics, yet issues of quality and reliability of information need resolution. Optimizing the use of this platform can make Telegram an even more effective tool in the logistics industry, leading to the creation of new business opportunities and contributing to the development of both individual organizations and the industry as a whole.
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