
Phone Surveys

Phone surveys, or Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI), are an effective method for collecting data in quantitative research.

They are widely used in marketing research, public opinion polls, customer satisfaction assessments, and other areas.

In this method, the survey is conducted over the phone, with a computerized system assisting the interviewer in implementing the survey.

The software allows for the establishment of standard questions and their sequence, reducing the likelihood of errors and ensuring data consistency.


The mechanism of CATI phone surveys conducted by Translog Agency includes the following stages:

Database preparation:
  • Interviewers are provided with an electronic survey script on the computer screen.
  • The survey script can be adapted to the specific requirements of the project.

Survey execution:
  • Interviewers establish direct contact with respondents over the phone.
  • The survey script can be adapted to the specific requirements of the project.

Data analysis and processing:
  • The obtained data is automatically recorded and saved electronically.
  • After completing the survey, the data can be analyzed and used to identify trends, compare results, and make decisions.

The advantages of CATI phone surveys include the ability to quickly reach a large number of respondents, ensuring a high degree of standardization and control over the data collection process.

Additionally, they may be more cost-effective compared to other data collection methods, such as face-to-face interviews.